Archive for July, 2012

Adventures in Cooking: Part The Third

Posted on July 1, 2012. Filed under: Adventures in Cooking |

Good evening, gentle readers.

Tonight I shall tell you the epic tale of my quest for the perfect sandwich. It is a tale of daring deeds, ruthless ruffians, villainous villains, fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles, nothing whatsoever to do with The Princess Bride…










Alright, I hopped in my car and drove to Subway. Are you happy?

Verdict: Tasty

Convenience: Very High

Difficulty level: Very Low

Skill Required: Opposable thumbs, the ability to drive a car

Materials: $5, a Subway shop

Quote: “What is this?” – the girl working the shop, to her coworker, on why there were three twenties and two tens mixed in with the fives in the till

Lessons learned:

-Reading web comics and playing Mass Effect all day long do not increase my motivation to do anything productive at all, whatsoever

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    Random ramblings of a five year old in a twenty-three year old's body. Who has internet access.


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